Domestic Rankings for Engarde (Zip archive)
The CFF is making available text files of ranked athletes for each weapon, age group and gender. These files will be updated each time a new domestic ranking is posted. These files enable a competition organizer to rapidly setup an individual competition by importing the appropriate athlete file for the event.

Importing Athlete Files into Engarde v8.16

On the Fencers table, click File: ‘Import from a text file’; select FFF (*.txt) as the file type; select the file.

Engarde will pose a question regarding the alignment of data. The data fields should correspond between Engarde and the file. Click Yes.

Engarde will pose the question ‘Delete the first line?’.
Click Yes.

The athlete names and ranking are loaded into memory.

Click on the Memory menu option.

Choose ‘Import one’, ‘Import range’ or ‘Import all’.

You probably will want to set all fencers as absent and then select only those in your competition as present.

Athletes are seeded by ‘fencer number’.

Questions?  pa@fencing.ca

fff Check Utility (Windows Only – Zip Archive)

This utility checks the syntax of exported fff files from the Engarde competition application. Syntax errors will be highlighted on the screen. Each athlete’s result is parsed and checked against the requirements specified for the CFF Ranking application.

The validity of an athlete to compete in the competition however is not checked. This can only be done against the validated licence list when the competition is ranked.

To install the application, first unzip the file you have downloaded (fffReader.zip). From the folder to which you have unzipped the files, e.g. C:\temp, run the setup.exe file. This installs the application under the Windows system. Your system must be current to at least .Net framework v2.0 or later.

Go to START: Program Files: CFF Utilities and select ‘Check fff Utility’.

Choose your language, EN or FR, in the upper right of the application. Click on the button ‘Click for fff’ / ‘Cliquez pour fff’ and navigate to the file you wish to check.

Questions? pa@fencing.ca

Language file updates for Engarde v8.16 (right-click and select ‘Save Link As…)

The CFF is making available and English and French language files for Engarde where mandatory fields for the CFF ranking system have been marked with a ‘*’.

Field names have also been modified to reflect CFF Domestic Competition requirements.